One Punch Man Chapter 38 – King

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OPM Manga Chapter 38 is quite a long chapter comprising 80 pages. This chapter sets…

…the encounter between Saitama and King and shows how King is weak and scared of monsters.

A hooded man walks into the crowd, and a reptile-like monster with a long tongue appears, attacking women. As chaos ensues, the monster becomes terrified when the hero, King, approaches.

The citizens identify King as the Strongest Man on Earth, and the monster bows down, apologizing.

The people cheer for King, and a moment of pride ensues. However, the focus shifts to King buying a video game called Heartthrob Sisters. Saitama and Genos observe King, the Class S, Rank 7 Hero, walking casually.

Later, a giant robot monster appears and wants to fight the Strongest Man. However, King decides to hide in a toilet, overwhelmed by fear and self-doubt. Meanwhile, Genos battles the robot, showcasing his skills.

Saitama, witnessing Genos’s fight, cheers for him but eventually walks away, leaving Genos to face the monster alone. The story then shifts to King reaching his room and playing the video game he bought.

Saitama mysteriously appears in King’s room, surprising him. While Genos continues the intense battle with the robot, Saitama and King engage in an amusing interaction.

As the giant robot seems defeated, a small robot emerges from within it, leading to a continuation of the fight. Meanwhile, an emergency warning announces a giant bird in City M.

Saitama leaves, and the giant monster bird attacks the building where King and Saitama are. With one arm, Saitama effortlessly stops the monster, urging King to face it.

Genos continues his fight with the robot, employing fire extinguishers and gushes of water to overcome it. The chapter ends with a baby child getting scared of the monster while it continues its attack on King’s room.

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