One Punch Man Chapter 40 – Outlaws

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

OPM Manga Chapter 40 introduces us to the villain Garo during a gathering of criminals and…

…outlaws orchestrated by Sitch to ask for their help to prevent the Earth Destruction Prophecy.

Naturally, Sonic was there too but decided to leave after not seeing Saitama there.

Genos expresses his ambition to become a top 10 Class S hero and mentions his goal of finding and destroying the cyborg that destroyed his home.

Dr. Kuseno advises Genos not to attack the cyborg directly but instead report back to him if he finds any leads.

The scene then shifts to the Hero Association’s Director Sitch, who addresses denizens of the underworld, including Class A, Rank 5 Heavy Loincloth. These criminals were called not to be apprehended but to discuss a common threat.

Sitch requests their cooperation and hands them documents, but Sonic, uninterested in helping, starts throwing the papers in the air. Sonic expresses his disdain for playing hero and refuses to participate.

Another criminal mocks the prophecy, and Sitch begins to regret inviting this unpredictable group.

The mocking criminal, Garo, claims to have destroyed numerous dojos and confidently states that they can’t kill him.

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