One Punch Man Chapter 44 – Accelerate

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OPM Manga Chapter 44 shows the fight between the upgraded cyborg Genos and the ninja…

…Speed-O’-Sound Sonic, which ended in Genos’ fall after his new parts failed. But Saitama came to the rescue, surprising Sonic with his sideways attack jump.

In One Punch Man Chapter 44, the intense battle between Genos and Sonic unfolds as Saitama watches. Genos demonstrates incredible speed and engages Sonic.

Despite Sonic’s efforts, Genos surprises him by cutting his ponytail. Sonic retaliates with the “Fourfold Funeral” afterimage technique, leading to Genos incinerating his surroundings.

However, the battle takes an unexpected turn as Genos’ parts fail, and Saitama intervenes, not wanting explosions near his house.

Saitama decides to seriously face Sonic, who prepares his ultimate technique, “Tenfold Funeral.” A

s Sonic unleashes his attack, Saitama responds with his “Killer Move: Serious Series – Serious Sideways Jumps!” creating numerous afterimages.

Sonic, overwhelmed and astonished, witnesses his afterimages being effortlessly destroyed by Saitama’s bored face afterimages.

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