One Punch Man Chapter 51 – Headgear

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

OPM Manga Chapter 51 takes us to the very first encounter of Saitama and Garou, as well as…

…their very first one-sided fight. Garou gets knocked down after Saitama hits him with a karate chop.

In the bustling city, a short man from the Hero Association walks and talks with two ladies, promising them a meeting with Amai Mask in exchange for a kiss.

Suddenly, Garou appears behind them and decides to knock down the man.

Garou continued walking and noticed Saitama, whom he thought was following him. He decides to attack our bald hero with a swift karate chop.

Despite his attack hitting Saitama, our bald hero remains unfazed. Saitama counters Garou’s attacks effortlessly, leaving him unconscious in a garbage area.

The next morning, Saitama, now sporting a funky wig, contemplates his disguise in the mirror. Genos calls Dr. Kuseno to discuss a potential hair transplant for Saitama.

However, Saitama reveals the wig is for a martial arts tournament where he’ll participate under Charanko’s name.

Garou wakes up without any idea of what happened the previous night.

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