One Punch Man Chapter 54 – Centipede

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OPM Manga Chapter 54 shows how Metal Bat easily defeats the two monsters, prompting two…

…other monsters to emerge. After the announcement, Garou discovers that Metal Bat is nearby and plans to meet him.

The chapter begins with Metal Bat sitting atop defeated monsters, casually enjoying snacks. The rescued kid stands behind him while his father captures the moment.

Trying to finish off the centipede monster, a larger centipede, Centisenpai, emerges from the ground, sending Metal Bat, the director, and the kid flying.

As the trio recovers, they encounter another monster, Lafreshidon, resembling a flower emitting a potent smell. The director and his kid collapse, and Metal Bat, covering his nose, prepares to face the new threat.

Flexing his bat, Metal Bat vows to beat Lafreshidon to a pulp.

Meanwhile, the scene shifts to a kid in the park reading about Class S Rank 12 hero Watchdog Man and his lookout place.

Garou listens to the kid’s narration, but an alarm about monster appearances interrupts. The kid rushes to hide while Garou thinks of taking down Metal Bat.

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