One Punch Man Chapter 56 – Head On

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Chapter 56 of OPM Manga shows Metal Bat facing a giant centipede monster. He discovers…

…that the monster’s exoskeleton is very tough but soon discovers its weakness.

In this chapter, the formidable hero, Metal Bat, faces a massive threat in the form of Elder Centipede. The towering monster charges towards backup heroes as Metal Bat prepares to confront it.

As Elder Centipede moves forward, destruction follows in its wake, demolishing everything in its path.

Metal Bat, undeterred, takes a swing at the centipede with his bat, only to be surprised when the attack seemingly has no effect.

The colossal monster retaliates by slapping Metal Bat, sending him crashing into a building. Despite the setback, Metal Bat quickly gets back on his feet, determined to continue the fight.

Planning to target the monster’s face, Metal Bat stands firm as he faces Elder Centipede once again.

Meanwhile, two heroes carry an executive and his son, desperately trying to escape the relentless pursuit of Elder Centipede.

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