One Punch Man Chapter 68 – Great Battle Power

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OPM Manga Chapter 68 focuses on the A-Class Heroes’ efforts to defeat a giant octopus…

…monster with superhard tentacles. Right when they are about to attack the monster, Flashy Flash arrives and stabs its huge eye.

Chaos ensues as a colossal octopus monster wreaks havoc, destroying the city with its massive tentacles. Three heroes are knocked down while another hero skillfully dodges and runs for safety.

A new hero, B Class Rank 77 Bone, arrives on the scene and rescues the hero, who is about to be hit by a thrown train.

Bone proceeds to rescue other fallen heroes and strategically jumps off under a bridge for a plan.

Amidst the chaos, Bone walks across the street and discovers a convenient source of milk from a broken truck.

After consuming the milk, Bone’s bone density quadruples, but he is unexpectedly smashed by a huge tentacle, leaving Red Muffler surprised.

The hero, Death Gatling, arrives, calls for backup, and analyzes the monster’s weak spots. A group of A-Class heroes joins the scene, planning to target the monster octopus’s eyes.

However, their plan is halted as S-Class hero Flashy Flash makes a dramatic entrance, holding a sword.

The A-Class heroes watch in awe as Flashy Flash walks toward the monster.

They attempt to coordinate an attack with him, but Flashy Flash dashes immediately and, with incredible agility, jumps and stabs the monster octopus in its eye.

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