One Punch Man Chapter 70.5 – Being Strong is Fun 2

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OPM Manga Chapter 70.5 delivers intense moments in the ongoing battle between Saitama…

…(Charanko) and Suiryu.

The action unfolds as Suiryu launches a series of powerful kicks, with Saitama (Charanko) managing to block, dodge, and endure the onslaught.

Despite the impressive display of kicks, Saitama (Charanko) seems to effortlessly handle the attacks.

Suiryu propels Saitama (Charanko) into the sky with a kick, creating a dynamic aerial scene. Suiryu again follows up with another kick, sending Saitama (Charanko) to destroy a portion of the stage as he lands.

The arena is enveloped in dust and debris, capturing the attention of spectators who watch in awe.

Suiryu grabs both hands of Saitama (Charanko) and delivers a knee strike to his head, creating concern among the announcer and onlookers.

Despite the apparent brutality, Saitama (Charanko) emerges from the debris, showing resilience.

Suiryu resumes his assault with a flurry of kicks, yet Saitama (Charanko) skillfully dodges each one.

A-Class heroes observe the fight and analyze the combatants’ techniques. Suiryu, aware of Saitama (Charanko)’s preference for a single punch, expresses his desire to fight using kicks.

As Suiryu approaches, Saitama (Charanko) prepares to punch, but he cancels the move and retreats, realizing Suiryu’s counter would be a kick.

The tension rises as Suiryu relentlessly attacks, and Saitama (Charanko) strategically keeps his distance.

The narrative then shifts to a hospital scene where monsters attack wounded heroes, and Mumen Rider faces a dire situation. Tank-top Master intervenes, showcasing his strength.

Returning to the stadium, Suiryu criticizes the heroes while Saitama (Charanko) remains silent and serious.

Suiryu attempts another strong kick, landing it on Saitama’s (Charanko) left temple and throwing away his wig.

Saitama prepares a strong punch and advises Suiryu against becoming stronger just for the sake of fun. A powerful punch approaches, leaving Suiryu surprised and the match hanging in the balance.

The chapter concludes with Suiryu sweating and Saitama (Charanko) concerned that the match might end quickly.

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