One Punch Man Chapter 71.5 – Omake Star

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OPM Manga Chapter 71.5 is a solo chapter about Sweet Mask, who gets attacked by three…

…monsters during his concert with lots of fans around. He easily defeated them and decided to move out and attack the Monster Association as well.

Amai Mask captivates his fans with a concert in the colisseum, spreading a message of love and peace.

However, the festivities are abruptly halted by a massive explosion, signaling the intrusion of monsters seeking to annihilate Sweet Mask.

Undeterred, Sweet Mask gracefully evades their onslaught while continuing his performance, mesmerizing both the audience and adversaries with his resilience and charm.

With swift and precise movements, Sweet Mask dispatches the monsters with ease, leaving the crowd stunned by his prowess.

In his room after the concert, Sweet Mask reflects on the encounter, resolute in his determination to confront the looming threat head-on.

He plans to attack the Monster Association instead of bringing the fight to them.

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