One Punch Man Chapter 84 – Escalation

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This is a very long chapter totalling 132 action-packed pages. In OPM Manga Chapter 84, a fierce battle unfolds between Garou and Bang, with Bang…

…dominating the fight, delivering brutal blows that leave Garou bloodied and battered. Despite Garou’s attempts to retaliate, Bang’s relentless assault pushes him back, demonstrating his superior martial prowess.

Meanwhile, Genos observes the battle, analyzing the situation as Bang gains the upper hand.

Garou’s desperation grows as he struggles to withstand Bang’s onslaught. However, Garou manages to counter briefly before Bang overwhelms him once again, sending him crashing into nearby trees.

As the battle intensifies, Garou’s memories of his troubled past resurface, revealing the origins of his desire to become a powerful figure.

Back in the present, Garou finds himself bathed in his own blood as he faces Bang, Bomb, and Genos, determined to continue fighting despite the odds.

The fight takes a dramatic turn when a monstrous bird appears, rescuing Garou from the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Bang, Bomb, and Genos are left to confront a colossal centipede-like monster known as Elder Centipede.

Despite their valiant efforts, the monster proves to be a formidable foe, forcing them to devise new strategies to defeat it. But this strategy left Genos on the brink of death.

In a surprising twist, King, known for his reputation as the strongest hero, intervenes in the battle, drawing the attention of Elder Centipede.

As the confrontation escalates, Saitama makes his presence known and effortlessly dispatches Elder Centipede with a single punch, bringing an end to the chaos.

With the battle concluded, Genos reflects on his experiences and seeks guidance from Saitama, while Garou finds himself unconscious, carried away by the mysterious monster bird.

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