One Punch Man Chapter 90 – Because I’m a Monster

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In OPM Manga Chapter 90, the story takes a dramatic turn as Garou navigates an abandoned…

…establishment and descends into an underground tunnel. Meanwhile, Gyoro-Gyoro, the leader of the Monster Association, detects his presence and dispatches a group to investigate.

As Saitama and King recover from their meat-induced stupor, King leaves Saitama’s house only to encounter agents from the Hero Association.

Mistaking soup stains on King’s clothes for monster fluids, they approach him and escort him to the Hero Association base for the rescue mission.

At the Hero Association base, Mr. Narinki anxiously awaits news of his son’s rescue while the S-Class heroes gather for a strategy meeting.

Each hero is equipped with a locator device as they prepare to confront the growing threat.

Meanwhile, Tareo and Waganma remain captive, with Royal Ripper menacing Tareo until Garou’s sudden appearance interrupts the scene.

Garou swiftly dispatches Royal Ripper, earning Tareo’s gratitude as they flee together.

However, their escape is short-lived as they encounter a formidable adversary – a giant black monster resembling a dog.

Garou and Tareo find themselves in a precarious situation, setting the stage for a tense confrontation in the upcoming chapters.

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