One Punch Man Chapter 102 – Sweet Mask

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In the heart of the chaos, Pig God confronts a monstrous adversary known as The Great Food Tub,…

…its gaping maw poised to devour him whole. Meanwhile, A-Class Heroes IAIron, Bushidrill, and Okamaitachi find themselves facing brainwashed soldiers relentlessly attacking them.

As Super S, a seductive but deadly foe, appears to command the soldiers, the heroes spring into action.

IAIron, guided by Atomic Samurai’s teachings, swiftly disarms and disables his opponents with unparalleled skill and precision.

Bushidrill and Okamaitachi face their own challenges, fending off attacks from brainwashed soldiers with determination and skill.

Utilizing their unique abilities, they turn the tide of battle, thwarting the soldiers’ advances with well-timed strikes and agile maneuvers.

Amidst the chaos, Sweet Mask, a mysterious figure, intervenes, effortlessly seizing control of Super S’s weapon.

With a calm demeanor, he advises the heroes to retreat, recognizing the danger they face.

Reluctantly, IAIron, Bushidrill, and Okamaitachi heed Sweet Mask’s warning, leaving the battle in his capable hands as they make their escape.

Though the fight is far from over, they trust in Sweet Mask’s abilities to handle the formidable Super S.

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