One Punch Man Chapter 103 – A Top-Secret Battle

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

As Sweet Mask strides forward, his presence commands attention, instilling fear even in the…

…formidable Super S. With a flick of his hand, Super S unveils his true visage, revealing a grotesque array of sharp teeth and a menacing tongue.

Undeterred, Sweet Mask’s glare intensifies, veins pulsing visibly in his eyes as he approaches the brainwashed soldiers. Meanwhile, Bushidrill and IAIron hasten their pace, discussing Sweet Mask’s decisions.

Super S whips the soldiers into a frenzy against Sweet Mask.

Undaunted, Sweet Mask launches into action, his eyes ablaze with determination as he charges headlong into the fray.

In a blur of motion, Sweet Mask decimates the brainwashed soldiers, leaving a trail of carnage in his wake. Blood splatters as limbs fly.

Even as Super S attempts to retaliate with her whip, Sweet Mask effortlessly disarms her with a single punch.

Super S, now kneeling in surrender, trembles in fear as Sweet Mask stands before her, his expression frightening behind a mask of blood and veins.

The scene shifts, revealing Okamaitachi, Bushidrill, and IAIron pausing in astonishment as they witness Pig God swallow a colossal monster.

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