One Punch Man Chapter 105 – Love Revolution

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

Amidst billowing smoke, Puri-Puri Prisoner stands defiant, his muscles clenched in anticipation.

The monsters, their faces aghast with shock, cast blame upon Gyoro-Gyoro as they unleash a barrage of elemental assaults upon the hero.

Bound by a heavy ball and chain, Puri-Puri Prisoner endures the onslaught, emerging bloodied but unbroken, explaining his Angel Hug technique amidst the monsters’ confusion.

Suddenly, a colossal monster resembling an elephant blocks the retreat of the dismayed creatures.

With a swift motion, it tangles them within its elongated trunk, absorbing their essence and transforming them into a grotesque amalgamation of their powers: Vakuuma, now a Demon-level threat.

Undeterred, Puri-Puri Prisoner engages the formidable foe, dodging its energy blasts and striking defiant poses.

As Vakuuma evolves, sprouting additional eyes and trunks, Puri-Puri Prisoner braces himself, kneeling to withstand the onslaught.

Yet, a revelation occurs: as Vakuuma’s attack proves futile against the hero’s unwavering resolve, Puri-Puri Prisoner unveils his new technique, the Vibration Angel Descends.

With newfound wings, he pummels Vakuuma into submission, leaving gaping holes in its monstrous form.

However, as more adversaries converge upon him, Puri-Puri Prisoner’s resolve wavers upon recognizing his former prisonmates, who have now turned into monsters.

Torn between duty and compassion, he finds himself besieged by their corrupted hearts, shedding tears of sorrow as he fights to save them.

The battle takes a dire turn when the monstrous Nyan delivers a devastating blow, leaving Puri-Puri Prisoner bloodied and battered.

Yet, rising to his feet with indomitable will, he invokes his Angel Bristle Armor. Embracing his hairy form, he pursues Nyan through the walls until he inadvertently kills his prisonmates after getting crushed by falling rocks.

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