One Punch Man Chapter 13 – Speed

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

The Paradisers started charging at Speed-O-Sound Sonic, but their neck suddenly bled one by one as Sonic slashed them at the speed of sound…

Hammerhead was shocked but regained his composure after smashing the ground. He started throwing boulders at Sonic, who managed to dodge them effortlessly.

One boulder even reached the city, where it hit a building. That panel also shows the hero, King, for the first time.

Sonic attacked Hammerhead using his top speed, and the bald villain tried to stop Sonic by slamming a huge tree at him. He thought he had squashed Sonic, and before he could celebrate, a kunai hit him from behind.

Sonic calls to his boss that he disposed of Hammerhead but realizes his body is gone. Hammerhead is seen fleeing and saw Saitama walking alone in the forest.

As usual, Saitama shows his unserious face.

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