One Punch Man Chapter 110 – Atomic Samurai

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The battle raged on in the underground ruins. Bushidrill, IAIron, and Okamaitachi stood bloodied…

…and exhausted amidst the rubble, catching their breath after a fierce fight with the monster Devil Long Hair. They defeated the monster by cutting its hair short.

In another part of the ruins, Atomic Samurai deftly sliced through a horde of grotesque monsters with his blade.

As their minced remains hit the ground, a new threat emerged – the hideous Sword Demon Buttagiri. Their swords clashed, but Atomic Samurai made quick work of the demon.

No sooner had he sheathed his sword than the robotic Machine God G5 drew its own blade to challenge him.

Samurai and G5 engaged in a blinding sword duel, exchanging strikes too fast for the eye to follow. Atomic Samurai’s skill proved superior as he inflicted devastating slashes on G5’s body.

With a final concentrated strike, he reduced the robot to shrapnel.

His battle seemingly over, Samurai began making his way through the underground hallways. Elsewhere, Child Emperor and Waganma slowly traversed the tunnels toward the surface and the waiting A-Class heroes.

But danger still lurked in the ruins.

Poor Tareo fled in terror, the black, dragon-level monster Black Sperm hot on his heels. Just as it seemed hopeless, a beam of light cut the ground before Black Sperm.

Atomic Samurai arrived, blade in hand, ready for the next clash.

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