One Punch Man Chapter 21 – Giant Meteor

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One Punch Manga Chapter 21 introduces us to the S-Class hero Bofoy, also known as Metal Knight. This manga chapter also highlights Saitama’s strength in front of other S-Class heroes, Bang and…

…Metal Knight. This is the first chapter showing a threat that could destroy a city.

The chapter begins with Genos eagerly showing Saitama that his popularity ranking has risen to 6th place. Saitama is indifferent, as usual.

After leaving Saitama’s apartment, the point of view zooms out high above the city. Far in space, a group of giant asteroids is spotted approaching Earth.

The Hero Association contacts Genos about an emergency mission. He meets with Bang, a top-ranked hero, at the evacuated headquarters.

Bang warns that a massive meteor burning through the atmosphere is an impossible threat for them to face. As the meteor nears, citizens panic and flee while Genos upgrades his body to battle the approaching danger.

A Metal Knight robot suddenly appears, flying over the city at extreme speeds. Landing on the rooftop, the robot reveals it is remotely controlled by the hero Bofoy, who is testing new weapons. Genos pleads for Metal Knight’s help but is refused.

Metal Knight unleashes powerful missiles on the massive meteor as it enters the atmosphere but leaves no damage to the enormous rock. With only seconds left, Genos removes his core to channel all his energy into one last blast, yet the meteor remains unfazed.

As Genos collapses in defeat, Saitama unexpectedly arrives and tells Bang to care for his disciple. Saitama leaps towards the meteor and destroys it with a single punch, but the explosion rains debris across the city. While Bang uses his martial arts to protect Genos on the crumbling rooftop, Saitama lands unharmed on the streets below.

Explosions continue as meteor fragments pelt the city. Saitama stands tall, serious-faced amid the destruction. In the end, despite Genos’ upgrades, Metal Knight’s advanced weapons, and Bang’s martial arts, only Saitama possesses the power to stop the catastrophic threat.

Once again, the Caped Baldy demonstrates his immeasurable strength in the face of towering threats. And in classic Saitama fashion, he maintains his characteristic boredom and indifference, even after saving the planet.

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