One Punch Man Chapter 1 – One Punch Man Enters the Stage

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One Punch Man Chapter 1 opens up with a massive ball of explosion in the middle of the city. It destroyed many houses and buildings and even the trains were blown away with the passengers still inside…

The epicenter of the explosion shows a creature standing atop the rubble with a muscular build and two antennas on its head. He looks like Picollo from Dragonball Z.

The creature jumps while emanating an aura around his body and throws four energy balls in a random direction where a soldier got decimated while on live TV.

Our hero was watching the news when he saw the monster and immediately headed to the scene.

Back in the city, a kid was about to get squashed by the monster with its claws when our caped hero rescued her.

The monster asked our bald her his name and he replied,

“Just a guy that serves as a hero for a hobby.”

The monster introduced himself as Vaccine Man which spawned due to the pollution caused by filthy humans. His mission is to eliminate the planet of all humans as if they were puny germs.

After that, our first monster transformed himself into a more hideous form but when he was about to attack our hero, he punched him and got utterly obliterated!

Our hero is seen frustrated after defeating Vaccine Man with just a single punch.

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