One Punch Man Chapter 22 – Voices

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In OPM Manga Chapter 22, the aftermath of the meteor crisis unfolds as City Z faces widespread damage, narrowly escaping total destruction. Genos and Saitama, watching the news on TV, reflect on the colossal threat averted by Saitama’s single punch…

Genos, recognizing the magnitude of Saitama’s feat, updates their hero rankings. Despite Genos’ rise in the ranks, Saitama experiences disappointment, sweating profusely upon learning he is still in C-Class and Rank 5.

Genos explains that Saitama’s ranking didn’t elevate further due to the Hero Association assuming he and Metal Knight played a significant role.

As Saitama walks through the city, still showing signs of destruction, Tank Top Tiger calls him. The hero accuses Saitama of fraudulent actions and “piggybacking” to raise his ranking. Tank Top Tiger’s brother, Tank Top Black Hole, joins the confrontation, intensifying the accusations.

Tank Top Black Hole vehemently accuses Saitama of destroying the town, sparking anger among the townspeople. The situation escalates as the crowd blames Saitama for the city’s devastation, demanding he give up being a hero.

Undeterred, Saitama maintains his composure while the hero, Bang, observes from a distance, feeling sorry for Saitama’s undeserved treatment. The townspeople’s jeering reaches a peak, but Saitama remains calm despite the public backlash.

Tank Top Tiger and Black Hole decide to punish Saitama through a public execution. However, Saitama effortlessly defeats Tank Top Tiger with a single punch, surprising everyone. Tank Top Black Hole attempts an attack but also finds himself defeated when Saitama crushes his hands.

Frustrated by the unwarranted criticism, Saitama confesses that he destroyed the meteor. In a decisive moment, he addresses the crowd, expressing his indifference to their approval and emphasizing his commitment to heroism.

The narrative takes an abrupt turn as a sea monster, resembling an octopus with claws, emerges on the shore several days later.

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