One Punch Man Chapter 10 – Modern Art

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In OPM Manga Chapter 10, Cyborg hero Genos and his sensei Saitama are walking down an empty hallway when they encounter the monster Carnage Kabuto holding scientist Dr. Genus as a GPS direction finder…

Carnage Kabuto immediately smashes Genos into a wall, while Saitama looks on unfazed. The overconfident monster prepares to battle them inside a huge hall.

Genos unleashes incineration blasts and a flurry of super-fast “Machine Gun Blow” punches, but Carnage Kabuto is unharmed and knocks Genos down with one massive counterpunch.

Badly damaged, Genos falls and Saitama tends to him. Genos, still conscious, lets out an energy blast, but the monster repels it by blowing air, surprising Genos.

With Genos knocked unconscious, Saitama steps up to challenge the monster one-on-one. As they face off, Saitama walks towards Carnage Kabuto with a serious look. But when the monster tries to quickly get behind Saitama for a surprise attack, Saitama gives a terrifying expression that makes Carnage Kabuto immediately back off in fear.

Seeing this, the monster becomes worried and confused about how Saitama got so powerful. Carnage Kabuto cries while asking how Saitama became insanely powerful. Genos and Dr. Genus listen closely, intrigued themselves.

With everyone waiting in anticipation, the ever-bored-looking Saitama prepares to finally reveal the secret behind his incredible strength.

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