One Punch Man Chapter 100 – Light

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In the heart of the tumultuous battle, Child Emperor’s Gundam crouched as wings emerged…

…from the swirling light and smoke, signaling the evolution of Phoenix Man. With a keen eye, Child Emperor analyzed the situation while Waganma trembled in fear.

Determined, the Gundam dashed forward, its beam sword ready to strike.

Phoenix Man, now transformed with four wings, effortlessly blocked the Gundam’s attack, showcasing his newfound power.

Evolving into “Phoenix Brilliant Eagle Mode,” Phoenix Man swiftly severed the Gundam’s arm, leaving Child Emperor and Waganma vulnerable.

As water leaked into Child Emperor’s suit, he grimaced, realizing the gravity of the situation.

With a steely resolve, he empowered his weapon, closely monitoring the countdown timer. However, Phoenix Man’s sudden radiance caught Child Emperor off guard.

Utilizing a technique called “The Awakening King’s Light,” Phoenix Man revived fallen monsters, unleashing chaos upon the battlefield.

As the monstrous zombies assailed the Gundam, the Child Emperor fought valiantly to protect Waganma.

Yet, the tide turned further against Child Emperor as Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame joined the fray, assaulting the Gundam relentlessly.

With Phoenix Man seizing Waganma and his severed arm, Child Emperor grappled with the overwhelming odds.

However, hope emerged as Child Emperor’s tiny Mobis arrived as reinforcements. Amidst the chaos, the severed arm transformed into a colossal drill, targeting Phoenix Man.

As Child Emperor prepared his final gambit, the Gundam unleashed a devastating attack, “Millennium Emperor Nova,” aimed squarely at Phoenix Man.

The battlefield erupted with blinding light and thunderous energy as Child Emperor’s decisive strike surged toward Phoenix Man.

Above ground, onlookers watched in awe and terror as the cataclysmic energy tore through the sky, leaving destruction in its wake.

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