One Punch Man Chapter 101 – Zombieman

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In a hall infested with monsters, Zombieman strides with grim determination, wielding an…

…axe as the grotesque creatures turn their attention towards him. With swift precision, he dispatches the monsters with his gun, but his victory is short-lived as a colossal beast bursts through the wall, impaling him.

Undeterred, Zombieman retaliates, unloading his firearm on the terrifying creature.

As he presses forward, more monsters ambush him from behind, but Zombieman effortlessly eliminates them while traversing the hall, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Despite sustaining injuries, Zombieman presses on, his resolve unshaken as he confronts a horde of monsters blocking his path.

With a determined expression, he opens a massive door, revealing a dark room where a bat-like vampire awaits.

Locked in a tense standoff, the vampire, known as Pureblood, engages in conversation with Zombieman before suddenly attacking him, sinking his fangs into his neck.

However, Zombieman retaliates with a flurry of bullets, only to be astonished as Pureblood catches them effortlessly.

Undeterred, Zombieman continues his assault, but Pureblood’s regenerative abilities prove formidable.

As the battle intensifies, Zombieman and Pureblood exchange blows, their strength and resilience put to the test.

After getting killed at least 200 times, Zombieman emerges victorious, decimating Pureblood. He locks the door and proceeds to destroy the rest of the monsters.

Covered in blood and battered, Zombieman emerges from the room and decides to recover first before proceeding.

As he sits on a huge stair with a cigarette in hand, he listens to Child Emperor’s broadcast, informing them that he has the hostage.

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