One Punch Man Chapter 104 – Superhuman

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In the heart of the chaos, Bushidrill, IAIron, and Okamaitachi battle valiantly against the encroaching…

…horde of monsters, their blades slashing through them with precision. But their skirmish takes a perilous turn when the ground beneath them gives way, sending them plummeting to the floor below.

Emerging from the wreckage, they encounter a new threat: Devil Long Hair, a Demon-level monster with a mane of deadly tendrils.

Okamaitachi’s nerves fray as she gets lovestrucked. Bushidrill draws his weapon against Okamaitachi, prompting IAIron to intervene and calm them down.

Meanwhile, Atomic Samurai demonstrates his prowess, effortlessly dispatching monsters with his swift slashes.

Back in the fray, Okamaitachi launches her attack, conjuring a powerful wind scythe aimed at Devil Long Hair. Yet, to their astonishment, the monster deflects the assault with his own hair.

As Devil Long Hair’s onslaught intensifies, the trio finds themselves ensnared by his hair, immobilized and vulnerable.

The trio remembers their time in the H.A. base when they sought guidance from Atomic Samurai, who imparts his wisdom with a calm demeanor, offering a path forward.

Galvanized by his words, IAIron leads the charge, slashing through the entangling hairs as Bushidrill and Okamaitachi prepare for a final showdown.

With determination in their hearts, they leap into action, confronting Devil Long Hair head-on.

On the other part of the battlefield, an unexpected explosion rattles the monsters after seeing a familiar figure of a hero wearing a sweater with a heart-shaped design on its front.

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