One Punch Man Chapter 107 – A Mighty Foe

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In the depths of conflict, Gyoro-Gyoro encases Tornado of Terror within a ball of concrete.

Straining with effort, Gyoro-Gyoro’s eyes and limbs pulsate with veins as he compresses Tatsumaki in the concrete prison.

Tatsumaki emerges unscathed from the concrete as she makes it explode.

With a flick of her finger, she unleashes a barrage of rocks that pierce through Gyoro-Gyoro’s barrier and even destroy its body.

Undeterred, Gyoro-Gyoro undergoes a ghastly transformation, sprouting countless eyes across his body.

He unleashes a devastating gravitational attack, but Tatsumaki, in her chibi form, defiantly exercises her psychic abilities, signifying the 300-fold gravity attack to be less potent.

With a fierce glare, Tatsumaki twists and crushes Gyoro-Gyoro’s body like wringing a wet cloth, causing blood to spurt from his wounds.

Gyoro-Gyoro calls Monster King Orochi for help but receives no reply.

Cut to the scene, Saitama observes giant monster snakes emerge from the depths of the monster association’s base, devouring everything in their path.

The source of the monster snake is Orochi, who now stands face-to-face with Saitama.

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