One Punch Man Chapter 111 – More Baddie

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

Child Emperor and Waganma reunite with the above-ground team, and Child Emperor updates the…

…other heroes via his circular transmitter. Mizuki and Sekingal commend his efforts as he awaits their replies, visibly relieved when they come in from Pig God, Sweet Mask, and Atomic Samurai.

However, their relief is short-lived when Atomic Samurai announces the discovery of a child, prompting shock and concern among the team.

Waganma breaks into tears, adding to the tension.

Despite the grim news, Child Emperor remains focused, preparing to return to the tunnel, only to be stopped by Sekingal.

However, the other heroes rally behind Child Emperor’s determination to rescue the other child.

As Child Emperor leads the charge, the scene shifts to Atomic Samurai confronting the menacing Black Sperm. With tense anticipation, Black Sperm reveals his monstrous form, launching a fierce attack.

Atomic Samurai responds with expert swordsmanship, slicing through Black Sperm’s onslaught.

Yet, the battle intensifies as Black Sperm’s severed parts regenerate into multiple copies, surrounding Atomic Samurai. Unfazed, he unleashes his ultimate technique, “Atomic Slash,” cleaving through the horde of Black Sperms.

Despite his swordsmanship, a looming presence of Black Sperm remains behind him, signaling a formidable challenge ahead for Atomic Samurai.

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