One Punch Man Chapter 113 – Terrible Luck

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In Chapter 113 of OPM Manga, amidst a battle of regeneration and devastation, Zombieman…

…confronts the formidable Homeless Emperor.

As Zombieman’s body regenerates from severe damage, Homeless Emperor prepares to unleash another ball of light, determined to annihilate his opponent.

However, the focus shifts to Homeless Emperor’s past, revealing his encounter with a mysterious being resembling scribbles of lines, whom he believes to be a god.

Granting him immense power, this encounter shapes Homeless Emperor’s path.

Meanwhile, Sweet Mask embarks on a solo mission, delving into a dark tunnel. Discovering a room filled with monstrous incubators, he swiftly destroys them, triggering chaos and destruction.

As Sweet Mask faces off against Fuhrer Ugly, a hideous and powerful adversary, he finds himself overwhelmed by the enemy’s extreme ugliness, unable to evade the onslaught of attacks.

With each blow, Sweet Mask struggles to maintain his ground against the relentless force of Fuhrer Ugly.

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