One Punch Man Chapter 118 – Drive Knight

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In One Punch Man Chapter 118, a thrilling battle unfolds between the Disaster Level Dragon monster cat…

…Nyan and the formidable S-Class hero Drive Knight.

As Nyan attempts to evade Drive Knight’s relentless pursuit, the black motorcycle, one of Drive Knight’s tactical transformations, darts after him, leaving a trail of dust in its wake.

Nyan, recognizing the danger of the poisonous gas emitted by the motorcycle, attempts to retreat underground, only to be forced back to the surface by the searing pain on his face.

Drive Knight unleashes a barrage of missiles, prompting Nyan to retaliate by pouncing on the motorcycle and attacking Drive Knight directly.

However, Drive Knight swiftly transforms himself into a mighty robot centaur, delivering a devastating blow to Nyan.

Undeterred, Nyan counters with his “Feline Retribution” attack from within Drive Knight’s armor, shattering it into pieces.

As the battle intensifies, Nyan unleashes a ferocious wind slash, but Drive Knight, now transformed into a golden form, defends himself with lightning-imbued arms.

Sensing Nyan’s intent to infiltrate his body, Drive Knight braces himself for the impending attack.

In a daring move, Nyan slips through a tiny opening in Drive Knight’s armor, intending to strike from within. However, Drive Knight harnesses extreme heat within his body, incinerating Nyan and skewing him with his sword after it tries to escape.

Sekingal observes Drive Knight emerging triumphant amidst the flames, clutching the burnt remains of Nyan, marking the end of a fierce confrontation.

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