One Punch Man Chapter 12 – The Paradisers

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Chapter 12 of One Punch Man made a cut after Saitama destroyed Carnage Kabuto with a single uppercut. This chapter shows a group of people known as Paradisers, led by Hammerhead…

They believe in equality by not working, and they are on the streets to preach their philosophy. After realizing that nobody listens to them, they start looking for Mr. Zeniru and mistakenly destroy a building, thinking it is his residence.

They continue their rampage on the street while the military unsuccessfully stops them.

After seeing Mr. Zeniru’s real building, they head on, passing along a forest where they meet with Sonic, who works for Mr. Zeniru.

The chapter ends with Sonic threatening the Paradises while Saitama is mistakenly accused part of the terrorist as he walks into the city in his hero costume.

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