One Punch Man Chapter 121 – Broken

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

Puri-Puri Prisoner lies battered on the ground after breaking the walls due to Garou beating him up.

However, Superalloy Darkshine sees him and vows to defeat Garou to avenge his defeat.

With a tense standoff between Garou and Superalloy Darkshine, the intensity of their confrontation fills the air. As they face off, the outcome of their clash hangs in the balance.

Meanwhile, Child Emperor navigates the labyrinthine tunnels alone while holding his communicator device.

Upon encountering his unconscious comrades, IAIron, Okamaitachi, and Bushidrill, he is suddenly ambushed by a powerful water-based monster, Evil Natural Water.

Child Emperor springs into action, deftly evading the monster’s solid jet stream of water attacks while dispatching its fish minions using his lightsaber.

With ingenious weaponry emerging from his backpack, he constructs a snowman robot, unleashing its devastating “Insta-Freeze Breath” to freeze Evil Natural Water and its minions in their tracks.

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