One Punch Man Chapter 123 – Real Form

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In the chaos of One Punch Man Chapter 123, the battlefield is a tumultuous scene of heroism and peril.

Looking at his past, Pig God has an insatiable appetite and is able to devour large amounts of food daily, even whole monsters.

Right now, he finds himself ensnared by the colossal Gums, locked in a deadly struggle for survival.

Elsewhere, the valiant heroes face their own trials. Atomic Samurai, gravely wounded, is held captive by the sinister Black Sperm, while Amai Mask contends with the relentless harassment of Fuhrer Ugly.

Puri-Puri Prisoner is recovering his injured body while Child Emperor struggles to break free from Evil Natural Water.

In the depths of the conflict, Tatsumaki, the indomitable Tornado of Terror, wages her own battle against the monstrous Gyoro-Gyoro.

With unparalleled psychic prowess, she unveils the hidden mastermind behind the chaos—a seductive figure orchestrating the mayhem 1,500 meters underground.

As Tatsumaki closes in on her target, the mysterious woman’s facade crumbles, her desperate attempts to summon aid from her monstrous cadres thwarted by Tatsumaki’s relentless assault.

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