One Punch Man Chapter 124 – New Fubuki Group

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

The monstrous dog Rover continues his assault using powerful energy sphere cannons targetting…

…the trio. Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki, their backs against the wall, find themselves trapped amidst the destruction, desperately seeking a way to turn the tide of battle.

As Rover’s energy spheres rain down upon them, threatening to engulf them in a storm of devastation, the trio takes refuge within the crumbling ruins of a building, plotting their next move.

But their respite is short-lived as Rover crashes through the walls, his monstrous form looming ominously overhead.

With no escape in sight, Fubuki braces herself for the inevitable onslaught, her thoughts turning to her comrades in the Fubuki Group.

Determined to protect Bang and Bomb at any cost, she urges them to flee, knowing that she alone cannot withstand Rover’s ferocious attacks.

But as Rover unleashes another barrage of energy blasts, Bang and Bomb spring into action, their bodies moving with fluid precision as they deflect the deadly onslaught.

Fubuki watches in awe as her comrades rise to the challenge, their resolve unyielding in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

With a renewed sense of determination, Bang and Bomb launch a coordinated assault on Rover and unleash a devastating barrage of attack combo called Water Stream and Whirl Wind Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist.

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