One Punch Man Chapter 127 – Demons Combine!

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In the midst of a fierce psychic battle underground, Tatsumaki and Psykos clash with titanic force.

Dust swirls around them as Psykos unleashes her power, levitating angrily. Tatsumaki, with a confident smile, attempts to pull her closer.

Tatsumaki binds Psyko’s hands using psychic energy. With determination, she continues to pull Psykos towards her, but Psykos counters by yanking Tatsumaki downwards.

The ground trembles as Tatsumaki crashes down, breaking through concrete.

Meanwhile, in another part of the underground tunnels, Saitama, Flashy Flash, and Manako are taken aback by the commotion above.

As Tatsumaki and Psykos confront each other face to face, their psychic powers clash with explosive intensity, sending lightning crackling through the air.

Despite Psykos’ anger and glowing hands, Tatsumaki remains calm and composed, inquiring about the whereabouts of a child.

Meanwhile, King and Tareo navigate the underground maze, encountering various dangers along the way.

Tareo finds solace in King’s presence, but their journey is far from over as the ominous Orochi Heart Element notices them and begins its relentless hunt for prey.

As the conflict reaches a critical point, explosions erupt, catching Tatsumaki off guard and freeing Psykos from Tatsumaki’s grasp.

With Tatsumaki now under attack from Orochi’s monstrous forces and Psykos poised to unleash her full power, the stage is set for a dramatic and potentially cataclysmic showdown between these formidable foes.

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