One Punch Man Chapter 129 – Turning the Tide!

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In the heat of their battle, Garou and Superalloy Darkshine clash with escalating intensity.

Darkshine, initially confident in his strength, begins to realize the true extent of Garou’s power as the fight progresses.

Despite Darkshine’s formidable defense, Garou’s relentless onslaught catches him off guard.

With each blow, Darkshine finds himself pushed further and further back, his confidence waning as Garou’s attacks grow more ferocious.

As Garou presses his advantage, Darkshine’s mind drifts back to his own past, recalling his journey from a frail and insecure child to the imposing figure he is today.

Yet, facing Garou’s relentless assault, Darkshine begins to feel a sense of fear and vulnerability he hasn’t experienced in years.

Despite his best efforts to fight back, Darkshine finds himself overwhelmed by Garou’s relentless onslaught.

As Garou delivers a devastating blow, Darkshine’s resolve begins to falter, his confidence shaken by the realization that he may have underestimated his opponent.

In a moment of desperation, Darkshine attempts to counterattack, but Garou easily evades his blows, leaving Darkshine feeling helpless and exposed.

The ground begins to shake, and Darkshine is encapsulated by Tatsumaki’s barrier.

Darkshine is overcome by a sense of defeat, his tough exterior crumbling as he realizes the extent of his vulnerability in the face of Garou’s power.

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