One Punch Man Chapter 131 – Heroes Never Lose!

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

As Metal Bat lays in the hospital bed, recovering from his injuries, his restless spirit refuses to be confined.

With Zenko by his side, he listens to the news of the unfolding chaos, but his mind is elsewhere.

Suddenly, Metal Bat slips out of bed, shedding his bandages and donning his iconic costume once more. Determination burns in his eyes as he grips his Bat and sets out to to confront the looming threat.

Bounding across rooftops, Metal Bat hurries towards the scene of the monster tower.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Mumen Rider and Tank-top Master prepare to join the fray. Tank-top Master piggybacks on Mumen Rider’s bicycle as they speed up going to the monster’s base tower.

As they race through the streets, Tank-top Master’s tank-top gang causes a ruckus, much to the chagrin of the hospital staff.

Tank-top Professor’s stern lecture reminds them of the true meaning behind their master’s tank-top attire, spurring them into action.

Outside, the Blizzard Group mobilizes in search of Fubuki while other injured heroes gather their strength and also want to respond to the scene.

Even the martial artists, hesitant at first, steel themselves for the fight ahead. However, Suiryu stops them, telling them they are not yet ready. Suiryu plans to become a hero one day.

But underground, in the depths of the monster’s tower, a Saitama, Flashy Flash, and Manako are trapped in the dark.

Manako and Saitama introduce themselves to each other while helping Flashy Flash, who is stuck within the rocks.

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