One Punch Man Chapter 132 – Something Huge

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

As Tatsumaki confronts the monstrous merging of Orochi and Psykos atop the city skyline,…

…a chilling smile curves Psykos’ lips. Tatsumaki, her expression serious, analyzes her opponent, realizing that Psykos draws power from the tendrils extending from her base.

Psykos forms a triangle with her hands and unleashes a powerful attack that catches Tatsumaki off guard.

A massive energy blast erupts, hurtling towards the ocean at a distance. The impact sends shockwaves through the planet, seen from space as the ocean waters bulge and then collapse, forming a colossal tsunami.

Tatsumaki, her gaze fixed on Psykos, witnesses the devastation behind her.

Psykos, meanwhile, reveals her sinister intentions, boasting of her newfound ability to absorb all life on Earth. But Tatsumaki, far from intimidated, calls her an idiot.

As Psykos grows angrier, Tatsumaki maintains her composure, even daring to mock her adversary.

In response, monstrous snakes emerge from the tower, their mouths aglow with energy. With lightning reflexes, Tatsumaki dodges their energy blasts, poised and ready to continue the battle.

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