One Punch Man Chapter 133 – Glorious Being

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Tatsumaki skillfully dodges Psykos’ energy blasts and orchestrates floating boulders to attack her.

Despite Psykos’ attempts to counter, Tatsumaki manages to land a solid blow, cracking a massive boulder in half.

Psykos, however, breaks free from the rocks, revealing her monstrous form covered in blood. Unfazed, Tatsumaki unveils her ingenious strategy—she infiltrates Psykos’ body from within the tower, catching her by surprise.

Inside Psykos’ body, Tatsumaki allows herself to get sucked up by the meaty roots until she reaches Psykos’ main sexy body.

She then comes out from the mouth and squeezes Psykos like wringing a wet cloth.

However, Tatsumaki faces danger as she is suddenly impaled by her adversary. Yet, just as Psykos prepares a deadly energy blast, Genos intervenes, deflecting the attack and buying Tatsumaki precious time.

As Genos and Psykos’ energy blast collides, it creates a blinding light, showcasing the intensity of their clash.

Despite Psykos’ fierce resistance and the appearance of snake monsters, Genos remains determined, remembering his mentor’s advice.

Meanwhile, Fubuki senses the dangers that lie ahead, including the existence of strong energy life forms.

Tatsumaki urges everyone to evacuate. With Genos and Tatsumaki standing firm against the monstrous Orochi+Psykos, the stage is set for a decisive battle that will determine the fate of humanity.

As the battle rages on, Saitama and Manako struggle to free Flashy Flash from the rubble, unaware of the chaos unfolding above ground.

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