One Punch Man Chapter 134 – Twist

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

As Orochi+Psykos fires a powerful energy blast at Tatsumaki, Genos steps forward to shield her,…

…countering with his “True Spiral Incineration Cannon.” Their energy blasts collide, creating a blinding light.

Psykos’ blast gets deflected, and Genos powers up while Tatsumaki prepares her own attack. Various heroes are protected within Tatsumaki’s energy spheres as the surroundings crumble.

As Genos and Tatsumaki brace for another attack, Psykos fires a massive blast, but Tatsumaki redirects it while immobilizing Psykos.

Psykos looks terrified after realizing Tatsumaki is yet to use her full power. Suddenly, the city and the tower start getting twisted in a spiral form.

Fubuki notices the glowing skies, sensing Tatsumaki’s immense power increase.

Tatsumaki, with bloody hands, twists and wrings the city and tower, causing blood to squirt from the ground.

Atomic Samurai and other heroes notice the unusual phenomenon as Tatsumaki continues to exert immense force, causing the tower and city to twist and squeeze.

Saitama and Manako sense the earthquake underground while King and Tareo navigate the collapsing stairs.

Blood squirts from the ground as Tatsumaki intensifies her efforts, illuminated by the moon above, determined to crush Orochi+Psykos.

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