One Punch Man Chapter 134.5 – Twist 2

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

Tatsumaki continues to twist the city and tower, causing more Blood to squirt from the ground,…

while Genos hovers nearby under the suspiciously watchful moon.

Suddenly, Tatsumaki begins vomiting Blood, alarming Fubuki and Genos. Bang and Bomb stand beside Fubuki as they watch from the ground.

As Tatsumaki watches her bloody hands, Psykos notices her weakened state. She detaches from the tower and transforms into a jet, causing an explosion at the tower’s top.

The transformed Psykos, now a monster jet, takes off, intending to reach the nearest city to feed on its inhabitants.

Covered in heavy smoke, Tatsumaki senses Psykos’ escape plan and begins to power up. She extends her hand, creating a massive two-layer barrier around the city, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

As Jet Psykos shoots an energy beam, Tatsumaki appears to be hit in the heart. However, it’s revealed to be a decoy, and Tatsumaki quickly locates Psykos.

Another jet fighter approaches, firing at Monster Jet Psykos. Drive Knight, transformed into a jet, attempts to capture her using a device called “Creature Restraint Device: Checkmate.”

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