One Punch Man Chapter 134.6 – Twist 3

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

Monster Jet Psykos and Drive Knight engage in a shootout as they fly upwards, the city sprawled below them.

Genos lands nearby, updating other heroes about Tatsumaki nearing her limits. He asks for their assistance before flying off while Pig God regurgitates some humans.

Child Emperor thanks Pig God for rescuing heroes, although he frets over the possibility of digesting Zombieman.

IAIron awakens and expresses gratitude to Pig God for saving him. Atomic Samurai notices IAIron behind him, and they share a moment of acknowledgment.

IAIron becomes emotional, shedding tears of relief for surviving. Atomic Samurai smiles and extends his hand in support.

Meanwhile, Lightning Max and another hero are astonished by Tank-top Master lifting a massive rubble.

Other heroes signal a rescue Chinook while Snek observes Jet Psykos and Drive Knight’s aerial battle.

Drive Knight misses his shot at Jet Psykos, and the Chinook pilots notice the barrier, prompting a turnaround.

Tank-top Master assesses the situation and decides to aid Tatsumaki. He retrieves an electric tower as Mumen Rider wishes him luck.

Tank-top Master dashes and hurls the electric tower, surprising the other heroes with his unconventional approach.

Grasping the tower’s line, Tank-top Master flies through the air, impressing the B- and C-Class heroes.

As Tank-top Master embarks on his mission, Atomic Samurai watches the chase unfold.

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