One Punch Man Chapter 140 – Stones and Diamonds

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In One Punch Man Chapter 140, Metal Bat notices a distortion ahead, while King and Tareo also see it.

Suddenly, heroes Mohican, Food Battler Futoshi, and Pineapple appear, surprising King and Metal Bat. Food Battler Futoshi explains the quantum stealth shield to them, and Tareo reunites with Waganma, causing both to cry.

Waganma asks about Child Emperor, and Tareo informs him that Uncle (Garou) and King rescued him.

Waganma pleads with King and Metal Bat to go back and save Child Emperor. Mohican and Pineapple kneel before Metal Bat, asking for forgiveness, but he commends them instead.

Sekingal arrives and shows his amputated hand, discussing plans with the heroes.

After Sekingal’s encouragement, Mohican and Pineapple lighten up, while Metal Bat approves of Sekingal’s decision. However, King appears gloomy, remembering Saitama saving him from every trouble.

Tareo tearfully asks King to rescue his uncle (Garou), who saved him first.

As Tareo cries, the heroes marvel at Metal Bat, who begins constructing a huge slingshot.

King tightly grips Metal Bat as they fly off using the slingshot, bidding Tareo and Waganma farewell. Sekingal fires the slingshot, propelling King and Metal Bat forward until they hit a net and land safely on tree leaves.

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