One Punch Man Chapter 141 – Rejuvenated Offence

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In One Punch Man Chapter 141, Suiryu wakes up in the hospital after a playful poke from Suiko,…

leading to a nostalgic moment about their grandfather’s martial arts teachings. Suiko is surprised after Suiryu expresses his desire to become a hero.

Tatsumaki’s shield dissipates while the heroes Fubuki, Tank-top Master, and others below watch her.

Tatsumaki, covered in blood and sweat, pants heavily while Bang and Bomb assess the massive hole she created.

Superalloy Darkshine, Puri-Puri Prisoner, and Atomic Samurai join Bang and Bomb, followed by Fubuki and Tank-top Master.

Tatsumaki communicates with Fubuki telepathically, mentioning Flash’s absence.

Elsewhere, Homeless Emperor senses Gyoro-Gyoro and Orochi’s defeat and is attacked by Amai Mask. Black Sperm intervenes, followed by the sudden appearance of Fuhrer Ugly, terrifying Amai Mask with his grotesque appearance.

Fuhrer Ugly delivers a devastating blow to Amai Mask and tears his body apart gruesomely.

Child Emperor tries to escape dragging Zombieman with him but Fuhrer Ugly discovers him. Homeless Emperor attacks them using a massive energy sphere, causing a blinding explosion.

The heroes, including Pig God, Tank-top Master, Atomic Samurai, and IAIron, dodge the explosion.

They notice Gums emerging from the ground, devouring debris. Meanwhile, Homeless Emperor’s power draws the attention of Black Sperm and Fuhrer Ugly as they continue their advance.

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