One Punch Man Chapter 15 – Fun and Work

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In OPM Manga Chapter 17, Speed-O-Sound Sonic starts attacking Saitama Sensei with his ultra-fast moves. Saitama stands in the middle while Sonic moves so fast, underestimating our hero’s speed compared to his speed…

Speed-O-Sound Sonic starts attacking Saitama Sensei with his ultra-fast moves. Saitama stands in the middle while Sonic moves so fast, even underestimating our hero about his speed.

Suddenly, he was surprised when Sensei was still able to follow his move.

After preparing for a major attack, Saitama let out his right hand and accidentally hit Sonic in his nuts.

It was not a punch but rather a clenched fist that our Sensei made. However, due to Sonic’s ultra-fast speed, he was not able to dodge it, and the momentum from his speed contributed to the damage.

He was shivering in pain and decided to retreat, promising to defeat our Sensei the next time they met again.

Cut to Saitama’s apartment, he was frustrated that even after three years of becoming a hero for fun, he was not famous and garnered zero fans.

Through Genos, it was revealed that Saitama is not yet listed in the Hero Registry, where the legit heroes come from.

Saitama immediately decided to enlist in the Hero Registry while promising Genos to make him his disciple.

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