One Punch Man Chapter 151 – The Greatest Obstacle

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

Homeless Emperor launches a relentless assault of energy spheres, but IAIan and Spring Mustachio stand firm, deflecting each attack.

Undeterred, Homeless Emperor conjures a massive energy sphere, looming ominously over the heroes.

Meanwhile, Atomic Samurai, with the Sun Blade in hand, prepares to join the fray, recalling his past conversations about the legendary sword.

As Atomic Samurai draws the Sun Blade, it begins to glow, filling the battlefield with its radiance.

With a vision of his martial arts master, Bang, Atomic Samurai unleashes the sword’s power, slicing through Homeless Emperor’s colossal energy sphere.

As the shattered remnants dissipate, Atomic Samurai leaps into the air, poised for further combat.

However, Golden Sperm intervenes, obstructing Atomic Samurai’s advance and causing chaos. In the ensuing clash, Golden Sperm’s arm is severed by the Sun Blade, forcing a temporary stalemate.

Exhausted, Atomic Samurai sheathes the sword, while IAIron rushes to his aid.

With tensions escalating, King’s presence looms over the battlefield, casting doubt among the adversaries. As King observes, contemplating his next move, memories of Saitama flood his thoughts.

Just as the situation seems dire, reinforcements arrive, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

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