One Punch Man Chapter 154.5 – The Strong Among the Ordinary

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In One Punch Man Chapter 154.5, a new monster named Dark emerges. He boasts about his abilities and seeks out an S-Class Hero.

Dark arrives at a concert stadium, where a guard instructs him to join the queue. However, a young person approaches Dark and offers to stand together in line, impressing Dark with their strength.

As Dark joins the line, he is surrounded by muscular individuals who are fans of Darkshine, a renowned hero. Initially tense, Dark begins to relax in the company of these formidable individuals.

Finally, Dark and his newfound companions come face to face with Darkshine himself.

To Dark’s surprise, Darkshine is extremely powerful, and crafts animal shapes out of frying pans. Dark presents him with a frying pan shaped like a bunny, whom he asks out of intimidation.

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