One Punch Man Chapter 156 – Divine Retribution

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In One Punch Man Chapter 156, Flashy Flash finds himself in a relentless battle against Platinum Sperm and…

…Garou, who surpass his speed. Flashy Flash unleashes his “Flash Fist!” attack, striking Platinum Sperm with a barrage of punches.

However, Platinum Sperm counters with his Unscrupulous Rotating Defense Platinum Rings technique, delivering a powerful kick to Flashy Flash.

Meanwhile, Garou joins the fray, clashing with Flashy Flash.

Flash uses his Flowing Shadow Feet technique. As the battle intensifies, Flashy Flash is struck by Platinum Sperm’s relentless attacks and crashes to the ground, coughing blood.

Garou then engages in a high-speed showdown with Platinum Sperm; their movements are timed in microseconds due to their incredible speed.

The sky above the ruined city illuminates more heavily with light trails as the two combatants continue their fierce clash.

Despite Platinum Sperm’s formidable resistance, Garou emerges victorious, sending him crashing to the ground. However, Platinum Sperm swiftly rises, enraged and empowered, ready to retaliate against Garou.

However, Garou swiftly defeats Platinum Sperm.

Meanwhile, Tatsumaki awakens to find herself in the presence of “God,” who disguises himself as Blast. “God” offers him powers, but Tatsumaki declines.

Meanwhile, King and the others witness the arrival of the real Blast and are taken aback by his presence.

Blast carries Tatsumaki and admires her resilience against “God’s” offer. He gives the injured lady to King’s care as he leaves and creates a portal, revealing mysterious beings within it before disappearing.

Suddenly, a massive centipede monster emerges, declaring itself as the incarnation of Father Earth.

Garou immediately attacks the creature, known as Sage Centipede, as it prepares to face another monstrous entity, Evil Ocean Water, the incarnation of Mother Ocean, approaching from the sea.

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