One Punch Man Chapter 158 – 2Bad

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In One Punch Man Chapter 158, the battle between Metal Bat, Garou, and the colossal Sage Centipede reaches…

…its climax. Crafting their powerful attacks, Metal Bat initiates the Savage Tornado while Garou unleashes the Whirlwind Water Stream Aura Sky Ripping Fist.

They simultaneously rain blows upon Sage Centipede, recognizing the monster’s formidable resilience.

As the chaos ensues, the rescue helicopter becomes a target, with Sage Centipede seizing it with its massive whiskers. Garou spots Tareo and the heroes inside the helicopter, witnessing their perilous situation.

However, they face a dire threat as Sage Centipede launches its devastating Centipede Grand March attack, pummeling Garou and Metal Bat.

Yet, amidst the chaos, One Shotter and Gearsper join forces, launching a barrage of bullets at the monster.

Inspired by their teamwork, Garou breaks free from Sage Centipede’s grasp, initiating a swift counterattack alongside Metal Bat.

With Metal Bat’s injuries worsening, Garou takes charge, throwing the rescue helicopter in the direction indicated by Metal Bat.

However, their victory is short-lived as Sage Centipede transforms into a drill, unleashing its formidable “6666 Leg Grand Drill” technique.

Undeterred, Garou and Metal Bat coordinate their attacks flawlessly, cracking Sage Centipede’s exoskeleton and creating a gaping hole in its body.

With Sage Centipede’s regeneration core in hand, Garou throws the core into the sky.

As Sage Centipede chases its regeneration core, Metal Bat lies injured on the ground, bloodied but not defeated. He’s betting on Garou to defeat the colossal monster.

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