One Punch Man Chapter 162 – Greatest Hero

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

In One Punch Man Chapter 162, Garou confronts Saitama in a fierce battle. The rescue team, led by Sekingal,…

…feels the ground trembling due to their fight. Garou relentlessly attacks Saitama and lands a karate chop on his head.

Saitama gets thrown on the ground and breaks the surface. Lightning crackles around them as Garou pins Saitama’s head with force, but Saitama effortlessly breaks free, leaving Garou stunned.

Despite Garou’s best efforts, Saitama remains unfazed, shrugging off his punches with ease.

With a bored expression, Saitama retaliates, sending Garou crashing into the rocks and water pools nearby.

As Garou’s path creates a trench, water rushes in, adding to the chaos. Garou actually crashes near the rescue team’s location, where Tareo, overjoyed at the sight of his “uncle” Garou, rushes towards him.

However, as Garou’s form begins to evolve into something more monstrous, Tareo’s joy turns to concern.

He pleads with Garou, insisting that he is “HIS” hero, not a monster.

Tareo’s tears tug at Garou’s heartstrings, but his resolve remains steadfast. As Saitama approaches, Tareo tries to intervene, fearing for Garou’s safety.

Uunfazed by Garou’s transformation, Saitama taunts him, provoking another round of attacks.

However, Saitama’s nonchalant demeanor only adds to Garou’s anger.

In a surprising turn of events, Saitama effortlessly sends Garou flying with just a salp, leaving him bewildered and Tareo in awe of Saitama’s power.

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