One Punch Man Chapter 164 – The Abominable Fist That Turned Against God

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As the battle reaches its climax, Garou’s monstrous transformation intensifies.

With wings unfurled and four arms ready for combat, he unleashes a relentless barrage of punches upon Saitama.

Despite Garou’s ferocious assault, Saitama effortlessly dodges each blow, further enraging his opponent. With a single hand, Saitama deflects Garou’s attacks, halting his onslaught momentarily.

Memories of the survivors’ gratitude fuel Garou’s rage, causing his fists to glow with ominous energy.

Utilizing his newfound power, Garou propels himself towards Saitama, ensnaring him with his two arms and pushing him downward.

Ascending to the summit of a mountain, Garou prepares his ultimate attack, “Extreme Fa Jin,” causing the Earth to quake beneath them.

The force of his strike reverberates across the other side of the globe.

Meanwhile, a group of students on the opposite side of the world are stranded on a crashed airplane and find themselves on dry land as the sea bottom underneath them rises.

As Garou’s assault continues, Saitama breaks free and unleashes a barrage of punches, driving Garou to the brink of defeat.

Garou finds himself overpowered by Saitama’s relentless assault.

As he lies battered and broken amidst the wreckage, Garou’s monstrous form begins to dissipate, revealing his vulnerable human form.

Suddenly, a strange cloud forms and colossal legs appear from it, approaching Garou.

The next thing we know, Garou is now in his “Awakened Garou Cosmic Fear Mode,” preparing to fight Saitama.

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