One Punch Man Chapter 166 – Squared

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

As chaos ensues and heroes start collapsing around him, Bang senses the dark presence within Garou.

Garou’s body emanates an ominous glow and begins to approach Bang.

Despite being bloodied and battered, Bang stands his ground as the heroes behind him succumb to the Garous radiation. Suddenly,

Blast materializes beside Bang using his interdimensional Black hole technique.

Garou, under the influence of an unseen malevolence, listens as Blast warns him of being controlled by a higher power. Blast offers Garou a chance for redemption, creating a small portal on his hand to transport him to another dimension.

The lower-class heroes lie unconscious while Blast analyzes Garou’s mutation.

Garou, now embracing his newfound power, proclaims himself as an Absolute Evil Disaster Level God, but Bang refuses to back down.

Facing each other, Garou and Bang share a moment of recollection amidst the chaos. Suddenly, Genos flies in and collides with Garou, leading to a fierce confrontation between Garou and Blast.

Blast starts punching Garou and traps him in another dimension.

However, Garou appears back by copying Blast’s dimensional portals. He attacks Blast with a series of powerful punches. Blast redirects his attacks to the sky, with massive explosions reverberating.

As the two adversaries separate, Garou picks up Genos and punches a hole in his chest.

Saitama arrives and holds Genos’s broken core while reflecting on their past adventures and the weight of his hero intuition.

In a moment of ultimate resolve, Saitama unleashes his most powerful technique, “Killer Move; Serious Series Serious Punch.”

As Garou prepares to counter with his own technique, Blast panics, fearing the earth’s destruction due to the cataclysmic energies collapsing.

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