One Punch Man Chapter 174 – Beauty

Spoiler Summary [Click to show or hide]:

Fubuki rides in her car, part of a convoy with the Blizzard Group, anticipating a potentially violent encounter ahead.

Meanwhile, Sweet Mask sits in his building, engrossed in his phone, ignoring a director seeking advice on endorsing a group of men.

Sweet Mask watches a video of Saitama destroying the H.A. defense robot, observing Saitama standing amidst the aftermath.

As the endorsed men enter, they become confrontational, trying to intimidate Sweet Mask, who remains composed despite their aggression.

Sweet Mask questions the men about their readiness to fight monsters. He then shows his intense demeanor, causing them to tremble in fear.

In another scene, Saitama prepares for visitors in his new apartment, including Forte, Butterfly DX, and Chain-Toad, three A-Class heroes.

Forte discusses seniority while Chain-Toad enjoys his tea. Butterfly DX, clad in a butterfly costume, entertains Saitama’s request not to shed hair.

When Forte mentions his fighting style, Saitama dismisses it, sparking Forte’s anger and leading to a challenge.

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